
20 November 2011


If you are interested in investigating essential oils, how to use them, if they "work", or anything else associated with essential oil then please feel free to join me on my journey and we can learn together.

Essential oils are derived from natural plants.  It's these natural oils which help the plants fight off disease, predators, survive in harsh environments, etc.  So to me, it makes sense that essential oils can help other living organisms in similar ways.

However, the skeptic in me wonders if it's possible to take plant oils and actually apply them to humans to help alleviate our ailments.

I was introduced to essential oils by a chiropractor friend who gave me a few sample oils with some verbal information on how to use them.  Don't get me wrong...he had good intentions, but by the time I got home, I couldn't really remember how to use them or which ones to use for what.  I tried, but just didn't have good results.  It could have been my application technique, used the wrong oils in the wrong places, or maybe I totally misunderstood the directions. Whatever it was, I wasn't happy with the lack of results, and that was the last I used the oils.

The Essential-Oil-Journey blog is my record of my experiences of experimenting with essential oils.  I hope you will forgive my mistakes and enjoy the journey along with me.